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Writer's pictureLuxe Life

5 Healthy Habits I Swear By

Today's topic is 'Healthy Habits' which I am so excited and passionate about! Now, I could go on about this for hours however I'm going to keep it short, to the point and useful with minimal waffle (well I'll try my best!). I'm going to share 5 healthy habits that I swear by...

1. DRINK MORE WATER! - When I don't drink enough water my energy levels decrease, my mood isn't as good, I snack more, I could go on but you get the point! I drink between 2 and 4 litres a day without fail and honestly without thinking about it, I can tell if I haven't been drinking enough by how I feel & always go straight to my bottle! I fill up my big water bottle in the morning and I'm constantly reaching for it & filling it up throughout the day.


HOW TO REGULARLY HYDRATE? GET A BIG BOTTLE! When I fill up my 2.2L water bottle at the beginning of the day I'm more likely to drink it because it's there staring at me all day. When I just have glasses of water every now and then or a small bottle I'll forget to fill it up and I can't keep track of how much I'm drinking. Even if you pour from your big bottle to a glass, you'll be able to track how much you're drinking and it'll remind you and hold you accountable. I got mine from Home Bargains for £2.99 but you can get them from lots of stores & online!

2. BE PREPARED! - Okay I know this habit takes thought at first however once you get used to it, you'll find yourself lost without your healthy prep - I DO! If I don't have my frozen bananas at the ready, my super-seed mix prepped and a stocked protein powder cupboard, well let's just say all of the positive endorphins from my morning workout disappear!


1. Frozen bananas are my go to! If I'm not that hungry & want to make a protein shake, smoothie bowl or healthy ice cream to nourish my body, frozen bananas are a life saver! They make any blended 'concoction' (as Mumma Luxe would call it!) taste thick, cool, creamy & delicious! I always buy the ripest bananas (which are usually cheaper too!) as they're ready to blend & taste the best.

This also works with other frozen fruit, I freeze blueberries & rasberries as a back up for shakes, brekkie & as a backup if we run out of fresh fruit.

2. Always have back ups of your protein powders & other health supplies. If I'm craving a chocolate shake & there's no chocolate protein powder left, or I'm making granola and I'm out of cacao nibs, DISASTER! I always keep my jars topped up so that when I'm craving something or I'm in a rush & just want to blend up a quick meal it's there. Also I'm more likely to add and try different ingredients into my baking if my cupboard is stocked and the ingredients are staring at me! Win Win!

3. Have healthy foods in the cupboard (or healthy meals planned). When you're hungry you'll just grab the first thing you can find, if your kitchen it stocked with nutritious supplies that's what you'll eat. If you struggle with coming up with combinations you like to make, look up some ideas (there are LOADS of recipes on Luxe Life ;) #shamelessplug), give them a try & make a note of what you like. Eventually you'll automatically be making your favourite delicious & healthy meals without even thinking.

3. SLEEP!!! This is one of the most important to incorporate into your lifestyle! If I don't get enough sleep everything suffers! I always used to struggle with getting to sleep, having good quality sleep, getting up in the morning & actually being able to function (thank god for coffee!) however now that has completely changed! I even train in the mornings now where I was always a evening trainer!


I absolutely swear by my night time routine. It helps me to wind down, get my mind & body ready for bed and helps me get quality sleep which affects how I feel the next day. Keep reading about how & why sleep is important HERE.

4. GET OUTSIDE EVERYDAY - This one is not only important for your fitness & mental health however it also plays a vital role in your sleep! Even if it's a 15 minute walk round the block, DO IT - EVERY DAY! I love going for walks or cycling to not only stretch my legs but also disconnect and de-stress my mind from whatever is going on in the day, good or bad it's always good to take time out to just be. This is a great one to do with friends as you can chat and you wont even realise you're walking! Alternatively, I like to go for walks on my own and either listen to a podcast, an e-book or just listen to the natural sounds around me.

5. SELF CARE - You might not think this plays an important role in your healthy lifestyle but oh how it does! One of my favourite quotes is 'When I take care of me, I give people the BEST of me not the REST of me' and how true is that?! We live in a world that is so busy, all the time and it's easy to forget to take time for yourself.

WHEN & HOW?! I'll be doing another more detailed post on this soon so keep your eyes peeled on Instagram & Facebook for it! Self care can be anything from taking a long bath & reading your favourite book to turning your phone off for an afternoon, doing a face mask to going for a walk. You will feel 10 times better and so much more energised for everyday life when you take some time for yourself.

Hopefully these tips will help you get started with introducing maintainable healthy habits into your lifestyle. This is just the first of the #healthyhabits blogs, I have a long list of more however I think I've waffled enough for one post!

Have a great weekend everyone! Until next time... Molls x

P.S. Keep up to date with Luxe Life on Instagram & Facebook for daily recipes, tips & tricks & more! <3

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